The Black Money Tree

Buy The Block, Own The Dirt! w/ Antoine Bryant

Episode Summary

From time to time, we hear stories of someone “buying the block” in underserved communities. While the average person may not have the financial means to buy several real estate properties, BMT host Jerome D. Love sits down with Antoine Bryant, Director of Planning and Development for the City of Detroit, to discuss how it can be feasible to buy blighted properties in black neighborhoods, what our communities could use to their advantage and how we as Black people can gentrify our own neighborhoods by purchasing property and starting businesses in those areas!

Episode Notes

4:12 Growing up Brooklyn

5:03 Representation Matters: Meeting my first black architect. 

7:32 Steering Opportunities to Detroit

9:40 What role does real estate play in wealth development?

9:49 Get into real estate as soon as possible. 

10:26 Houston still has a unique opportunity to take advantage of inexpensive real estate 

11:23 We need to put our resources into buying dirt, especially near downtown

14:00  What is driving Detroit's economy? What are the opportunities?

16:00 Drivers of the Community

17:50 What are nuggets for wealth on this path to success

18: 36 - Suggested readings to help understand how our cities are made as well as wealth building

19:12 Taking control of the dirt we have